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Resultado 11-20 de 164.
Conjunto de itens:
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
2020Coffee beverage preparation by different methods from an environmental perspectiveTavares, Maria Paula de Figueiredo; Mourad, Anna Lúcia; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
2020Chemical Composition and Glycemic Index of Gluten-Free Bread Commercialized in BrazilRomão, Bernardo; Botelho, Raquel Braz Assunção; Alencar, Ernandes Rodrigues; Silva, Vera Sônia Nunes da; Pacheco, Maria Teresa Bertoldo; Zandonadi, Renata Puppin; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
2020Co-crystallized Honey with Sucrose: storage Evaluation and Sensory AcceptanceQUAST, L. B.; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
2020Consumers' perception of different brewed coffee extractions using the sorting techniqueFerini, Juliana Lustosa; Morales, Michele Veiga; Silva, Thaís Araújo da; Pedreira, Juliana Rocha Mendes; Godoy, Nathália Tiyo de; Garcia, Aline de Oliveira; Tfouni, Silvia Amélia Verdiani; juliana.ferini@ital.sp.gov.br
2021Black aspergilli in Brazilian onions: From field to marketSilva, Josué José; Bertoldo, Rachel; Fungaro, Maria Helena Pelegrinelli; Massi, Fernanda Pelisson; Taniwaki, Marta Hiromi; Sant’Ana, Anderson S.; Iamanaka, Beatriz Thie; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
2020Molecular analysis of Aspergillus section Nigri isolated from onion samples reveals the prevalence of A. welwitschiaeMassi, Fernanda Pelisson; Iamanaka, Beatriz Thie; Barbosa, Rafaella Liviero; Sartori, Daniele; Ferrranti, Larissa; Taniwaki, Marta Hiromi; Fungaro, Maria Helena Pelegrinelli; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
2020Bixa orellana L. by-products fractions from an industrial process: antiproliferative activy on tumor cells and chemical profileBasting, Rosanna Tarkany; Abreu, Pedro Manoel Barreto de; Sousa, Ilza Maria de Oliveira; Carvalho, João Ernesto de; Carvalho, Paulo Roberto Nogueira; Foglio, Mary Ann; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
2020High-pressure processing effects on the barrier properties of flexible packaging materialsMarangoni Júnior, Luís; Alves, Rosa Maria Vercelino; Moreira, Christiane Quartaroli; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
2020Viana, Rony Lucas Silva; et. al. Green Synthesis of Antileishmanial and Antifungal Silver Nanoparticles Using Corn Cob Xylan as a Reducing and Stabilizing AgentViana, Rony Lucas Silva; et. al.; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
2020Plant proteins at low concentrations as natural emulsifiers for an effective orange essential oil microencapsulation by spray dryingFrancisco, Cristhian Rafael Lopes; Oliveira Júnior, Fernando Divino de; Marin, Gabrieli; Alvim, Izabela Dutra; Hubinger, Miriam Dupas; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;