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Título: Development and evaluation of iron-rich meatloaves containing pork liver for schoolchildren
Autor(es): Srebernich, Silvana Mariana; et. al.

Palavras-chave: Mineral composition
Sensory analyses
Anemia control
School meals
Data do documento: 2015
Citação: Food Science and Technology, Campinas, v.35, n.3, p. 460-467, 2015. DOI 10.1590/1678-457X.6703.
Resumo: Iron deficiency is a highly prevalent nutritional problem worldwide and it impacts on the cognitive development of children. Therefore, the aim of this research was to develop meatloaf with high iron content by using in their formulations pork liver. Meatloaves were prepared with additions of 9.98% and 13.31% (formulations A and B) of pork liver in order to meet 15% and 20% of the daily requirement of iron (10 mg/day) for children. Samples were evaluated regarding their physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics. The results were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey test. Results of physicochemical analyses showed an increase in protein and mineral contents and a decrease in fat content. The iron and zinc contents were respectively 100.0% and 70.83% (formulation A) and 152.73% and 97.92% (formulation B) higher than that of the standard formulation. Regarding fat content, the reduction of 31.5% in formulation B makes it a light product. As for the microbiological aspect, all meatloaves were adequate for consumption. Regarding sensory analysis, all the attributes considered were not statistically different, but for purchase intention test formulation B was better accepted. Therefore, formulations A and B are good sources of iron and zinc.
ISSN: 0101-2061
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