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Título: Effects of ionizing radiation on rheological properties of seasoned cassava bacon flour defatted
Autor(es): Sá, A. P. N. de;
Nabeshima, E. H. E. H.
Villavicêncio, A. L. C. H.

Palavras-chave: Food irradiation
Seasoned flour
Viscosity profile
Data do documento: 2021
Citação: Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, v. 9, n. 01 A, p.1-12, 2021. Disponível em:
Resumo: The action of ionizing radiation in food occurs due to interactions of energy that modify chemical structures and is currently seen as a technological alternative in the improvement of the paste food in front of the food industries. Seasoned flour, or "farofa", a typical Brazilian dish, presents its greatest challenge related to oxidative stability, due to its high lipid content. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of ionizing radiation on the rheological properties of bacon seasoned cassava flour or bacon "farofa" (BF) and defatted bacon "farofa" (DBF). The samples were obtained at the local market in São Paulo-SP / Brazil, so flour was defatted with hexane and irradiated at the IPEN-CNEN Radiation Technology Center (CTR) in an electron beam machine at doses of 0 (control) and 5 kGy (sanitary purposes), and analyzed for their binding properties using RVA-Rapid Visco Ana-lyzer (viscosity profile) and mass texture (texturometer). The results demonstrated that the application of the irradiation with electron beam to 5KGy has affected the rheological prop-erties of the farofas comparing to the controlled sample, reducing every parameter of viscosity pro-file on the RVA and paste texture.resulting in products easier to chewing during the consumption. Keywords: food irradiation, seasoned flour, viscosity profile.
ISSN: 2319-0612
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