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Título: Green banana pasta: an alternative for gluten-free diets
Autor(es): Zandonadi, Renata Puppin; et al.

Palavras-chave: Celiac disease
Gluten-free pasta
Green banana flour
Data do documento: 2012
Citação: Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Philadelphia, v. 112, n. 7, p. 1068-1072, jul/2012.
Resumo: The objective of this study was to develop and analyze a gluten-free pasta made with green banana flour. The study was divided into five steps: preparation/selection, chemical, sensory, technological, and statistical analysis. The modified sample presented greater acceptance (84.5% for celiac individuals and 61.2% for nonceliac) than standard samples (53.6% for nonceliac individuals). There was no significant difference between the modified and the standard samples in terms of appearance, aroma, flavor, and overall quality. The modified pastas presented approximately 98% less lipids. Green bananas are considered a subproduct of low commercial value with little industrial use. The possibility of developing gluten-free products with green banana flour can expand the product supply for people with celiac disease and contribute to a more diverse diet.
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